Jay Guanci is licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Board of Registration in Medicine) to practice acupuncture and has operated his practice in Reading since 2007. He holds a Master’s degree in acupuncture from the New England School of Acupuncture, the country’s oldest college of Oriental Medicine. He has attained a nationally certified Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Jay is experienced in treating all types of health issues and maintains a full-scope acupuncture practice. Jay’s primary style is a Chinese style of acupuncture, also known as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). TCM is a long tradition of healing that is proven by it’s growth and widespread popularity over the last 40 years in North America. The science is in the 2000 years of practice and it’s continued success in treating a multitude of ailments and health conditions. Jay has also trained in Japanese styles of acupuncture and has had the opportunity to train with the world renowned acupuncturist Dr. Richard Tan and learn his “Balance Method”. Jay includes TuiNa (Chinese therapeutic massage), moxibustion and cupping into treatments whenever appropriate. His expertise, exposure and integrative approach to treatment have placed him in high regard within the community and the acupuncture world alike. He hopes that your experience at his office is one of personal healing and growth, whatever your goals might be. He believes that TCM and acupuncture treatment allow for us to see the “big picture”, step outside of ourselves for a moment and to see the root of the disease. Changing your life happens one step at a time and in the right supportive atmosphere, taking the first step can be easy.
Jay’s clinical experience includes work at Pathways To Wellness, Dimock Community Health Center and the Roxbury Comprehensive Center for Community Health. In addition to maintaining his practice in Reading, Jay also is currently a credentialed staff detoxification and medical acupuncturist at Fenway Health, Boston’s premier LGBTQ+ community health facility. He is a graduate of Bates College in Lewiston, Maine and Austin Prep School in Reading. A resident of Wakefield, he enjoys fitness, hot yoga, interior design, sewing, traveling, international cooking, gardening, house plants, essential oils and the outdoors.