About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing system that dates back over 3000 years. Part science and part art, acupuncture works to direct the body’s natural energies away from patterns of pain and upset, toward their original states of health and balance. Tiny hair-thin needles are placed at various “acupuncture points” on the body. Acupuncture is one aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It works in conjunction with diet, exercise and lifestyle habits. Adjunctive techniques that are used along side of the needles include moxibustion (the burning of a special herb, Artemisia vulgaris or mugwort), cupping, Tui Na (gentle Chinese therapeutic massage), electro-acupuncture and many other techniques – some of which don’t involve needles at all. Over a million people in America are currently using acupuncture to help a variety of different complaints.
All needles are disposable and only used one time. Acupuncture is very safe. The needles don’t generally hurt as they are so thin. You may feel a gentle prick and a warm sensation around where the needles are inserted. Most people enjoy their acupuncture treatments and find them very relaxing. Dietary and lifestyle recommendations are also made to optimize treatment and assist in regaining health and balance.
Cancellation Policy: Timely cancellations are always appreciated, but I completely understand that they are not always possible. You will never be charged for canceling your appointment with 24 hours notice. Forgotten appointments and last minute non-emergency cancellations will be billed to you at full cost (unless the slot is filled). Missed or cancelled appointments due to weather and hazardous driving conditions are always forgiven. If you do not feel safe driving in winter weather please do not hesitate to call and cancel.